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Live-8 concerts raise awareness Poverty

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008 comments
Organizer charity concert "Live-Eight", the birth of the Irish musician Bob Geldof, said he believes the show is "full of hope and possibility" to fight global poverty - particularly in Africa.
More than 150 top music artists, giving performances take on the "Live-Eight", in 10 cities in the world - including London, Philadelphia, Paris, Rome, Moscow, and Yohanesburg.
Tens of millions of people listen to take it, although many residents Africa is too poor to be able to follow the show through radio, television or computer.
The show is held only a few days before the Group of Eight leaders of industrialized countries gather in Scotland to discuss various issues including global poverty.
British PM Tony Blair will be urged to suspected leaders of the G-8 plan, which will receive turn-duakan aid to Africa and settled the debt-debt that is very large countries in the continent. President Bush has not approved the plan.


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