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13 Songs as the name Rolling Stone Road

Senin, 15 Desember 2008 comments
City home MiK Jagger and Keith Richards, Rolling Stone members, to give the award to the band, they provided a road with the name of the song titles Rolling Stone. Dartford Council's plan for the names of the 13 roads are: Satisfaction Street, the Stones Avenue, Angie Mews Drive and Ruby Tuesday. Around 1,500 houses in the estate Bridge for $ 400 million there in 13 road. Head of regional Dartford, Jeremy Kite, cast a joke: `Yah, not all that we want to we can. However, in naming this street, I'm sure will bring kesenagan for us. "
Pnduduk in the streets to support the plan said naming the regions where they live with the songs Rolling Stones. Julia Swan, one of the people, feel great ideas that will make them feel fantastic place to live. But he also later denganpara how the postman would not believe when reading the address. Likewise with Julia, John Warner even recognize the idea that this is the most hbat the city council had made. `Finally, they make something cool. Samsmama's like to salute and the band, songs terptri they become street names. `, He said.
However kepolisisan local remind danger theft nameplate naming of the road if the idea is realized. As is the case with Liverpoll, where fans-The Beatles fanatic fans steal pilot Abbey Road and Penny Lane. Both the name of the road was taken from the title of The Beatles songs.


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