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Why Were Britney Spears And Madonna Left Off Our 'Best Songs Of 2008' List?

Senin, 15 Desember 2008 comments
By now, I'm sort of used to being called an idiot on a weekly basis. Because that's what seems to happen each and every Wednesday when I publish my Bigger Than the Sound column.

Usually, I get 10 to 20 negative - and angry - comments per column (though if said column in any way detracts from Britney Spears, that number jumps to 40 or 50), and though it would probably benefit my ego not to read them, I always do ... if only because I find them sort of hilarious and inspiring (and because I am a sucker for grammatical errors and ALL-CAPS MISSIVES). What I usually don't do is respond to them.

But this week is different. On Wednesday, I published my annual Best Songs of the Year, and it got a lot of responses. Like, way more than I expected a column that didn't include "Britney Spears" or "Heidi Montag" in the headline to get. Some of the comments took issue with my picks - "I've never heard of half these bands!" and "Kid Rock? Are you serious?!?" being two popular ones - but most were upset with who I didn't put on my list (Britney, Madonna and Rihanna, in particular). So I figured it was time to break from tradition and write an actual response.

Since there were so many comments, I thought the best way to handle this would be to just address the four most basic types of complaints. Hopefully, in doing so, I'll be able to explain the method behind my madness ... why I made some picks, why I didn't make others and, really, whether I should be fired for doing either. To keep the dialogue going, I'd love to hear some of your favorites too. Feel free to leave them in the comments below. Also, call me as many mean names as you see fit - after all, I'm a professional rock-and-roll journalist. I can take it.


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