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Selasa, 18 November 2008 comments
Anima shortness of Children's Art Berlima, a band that the original Bandung berformasikan: Lucky (vocal), Eldy (bass), Andri (drums), Rhino (guitar), N-Kan (lead guitar). Formed on 4 January 2004, five gang wrestle this music in the jungle soil water through the indie label. Through its debut album, entitled Stars, slowly but surely grab their attention Indonesian music lover. Thanks to radio stations that spread from Sabang to Merauke, which has put the Stars in the order in a single respectable radio charts. In the period of 2 years, Anima in the area of Indonesia and East have a strong fan base and fanatical. Now fans are solid and they have the power of Java.

With the success of the debut albums, Anima now have the opportunity to join with the major labels SONYBMG. They released an album entitled own name, which consists of 12 songs, namely 8 re-release songs from previous albums plus 4 new songs. To prepare for this new album Anima is working in the studio since the end of 2006. They still rely on the theme of love that are packed in the dressing music ballad. Find out just Say I Love, a pop ballad that drop in the game that ritmis guitar. Or enjoy the soft twang guitar and romantic songs in the back. The song beat in the packaging medium can be enjoyed in the song Do not Tangisi and I may not love.


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