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Film Review DBLK (Di Bawah Lindungan Kabah)

Senin, 21 Maret 2011 comments

Under Protection ReviewFilm Kabah - Kabah Protection Under the latest is a film that reportedly is the mainstay MD Pictures after the success of two years ago to make movies that nuanced Islam, namely Ayat-Ayat Cinta. Hoping to repeat his success, then the MD had made a film that also shades of Islam in this new movie. This film is told from a novel of the same title, Under the Protection Kabah work Haji Abdul Malik Karim late Amrullah or known as Buya Hamka.
Protection Under the Ka'aba (DBLK) talked about the power of love, combined with the viscosity of cultural customs, walk in the corridors of religion. Beginning of friendship Hamid (Herjunot Ali) and Zainab (Laudya Cynthya Bella) in childhood, to grow up. Over time rose friendship grew into love. Hamid from poor families, Zainab from a wealthy family.
The difference they make away from Zainab Hamid required.
Hamid was not able to maintain its struggle to have her, but he faced a difficult choice between love and service. Family Zainab was the person most instrumental in the life of Hamid, who closed and weak girl is not able to voice out his heart how much he also loved Hamid, though he was forced to accept the proposal of other men.
Manoj Punjabi as the producer of this film-gadang menggadang films would appear at this year's Lebaran holiday is the biggest film and projected to beat the dominance of Ayat-Ayat Cinta. In order to make it happen was admitted Manooj prepare everything upside down.

"I can test a lot. We have started trying to make this script from 2008. It's become the toughest challenge for me, "he said in a press conference Manooj Punjabi films Protection Under the Kaaba, on Wednesday (16 / 3) afternoon at MD Entertainment, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.
Manooj also very sure the film has a weight that is very good. From the story, pengadeganan, artistic character and the selection of players.

"I certainly would make a good film, and this DBLK have moral values ​​(moral values) is very strong. Rarely or not many Indonesian films like this, "he said.

Under The Kaaba will involve the senior players such as Jenny Rachman, Widyawati, Didi Petet and Leroy Osmani. While the cast is filled Herjunot juniors Ali, Laudya Cynthia Bella, Niken Anjani, Tara Budiman and Agung Putra Officers. While the director chair was placed in Hanny R Saputra, a successful director with series of films such as Heart and Love Is Love.


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