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Efek Rumah Kaca Release Second Album

Minggu, 21 Desember 2008 comments

Consistent with the name, the album Kamar Gelap in Efek Rumah Kaca(ERK) collaborate with an artist photography from MES Room 56 of Yogyakarta called SCORPIONS Purbandono. In addition to using the cover, SCORPIONS also handle the art direction in the packaging of this album.

The album contains 12 tracks is never again released by Paviliun Records, but the script Records. But the change was made by the trio Cholil, Akbar, and Adrian. Social phenomenon is still the main topic so that was appointed in the song-play.

This can be seen from the titles of the songs thick smell of social criticism, for example Menjadi Indonesia, Jangan Bakar Buku, Banyak Asap di Sana, dan Kenakalan Remaja di Era Informatika so that the first single album.

Songs Kenakalan Remaja di Era Informatika talked about the high video phone sex and young people who perpetuate the activity of pornography in the form of video 3gp. Video klipnya the digarap by Anggun Priambodo also describes the phenomenon is quite simple through images and scenes invention.

Dark Room I can be found at the cassette shops began Friday, 19 November, with the price of Rp 35.000, -. (Lika)



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